Institute of Inclusive Community (IIC)
・Hisata, M & Iida, T. (Eds) .(2021) Series of Community Psychology Vol. 1. -Mental Health Education. Tokyo: Kanekoshobo.
・Kuroda, Y, & Hisata, M. (2019). Activities of community health nurses to protect and maintain the health of people in Fukushima. In S. Yasumura (Ed.), Tasks of Public Health after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. Tokyo: Japan Public Health Association.
・Hisata, M. (2018). Ethical issues in community psychological research. Research Committee of the Japanese Society of Community Psychology (Es) Word-map in community psychology. Tokyo: Shinyosha.
・Tanaka, S. & Hisata, M. (2021). The influence of religion on mental health literacy: A qualitative research among Indonesian Muslims who have lived in Japan. Psyche & culture Vol.20, 85-94.
・Kikuchi, H. & Hisata, M. (2021). The trends and future perspectives of research on “Ibasho” in children and adolescents. The Psychological Report of Sophia University. Vol.45. 55-72.
・Hisata, M. & Nakamura- Taira, N. (2020). Mental health of junior high school students who experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake: A three- year follow- up study at a coastal Fukushima. Vol. 32, 143-149. doi:10.11560/jhpr. 181211112
・Tanaka, M., Hisata, M., Miyasaka, M., Kurata, K., Takizawa, K., Nishikata, M., Endo, J., & Seki, N.(2019). Development of a new resilience scale for parents of children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: Some evidence of reliability and validity. Japanese Journal of Hygiene. Vol. 74: Doi.org/10.1265/jjh. 18025
・TodaMikako(2017). Disability and Charity among Hunter-gatherers and Farmers in Cameroon. Senri Ethnological Reports, Vol.143, 69-94.